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Use the navigation menu to see my programs, services & Blog.
Schedule a FREE 25-minute Discovery Conversation
The Discovery Conversation allows us to get to know each other a little better. This step represents you making a commitment to yourself. It’s the first step in any change process. You will gain a sense of what working with me will be like. Please provide any information you wish prior to the conversation, which may help me better prepare.
Wendy's YouTube Channel - Transition Mentor - Embrace Change
The Demystifying Project - Podcast & Community
* Demystifying The Transgender Journey on YouTube
* Demystifying The Transgender Journey on Apple Podcasts
* Demystifying on Facebook
* Demystifying - The Community
Wendy's Social Media
Wendy's TikTok
Wendy's LinkedIn Profile
Wendy's Personal Facebook Page
Wendy's Business Facebook Page
Wendy's Instagram
Wendy's Huffington Post Article (2018)
Wendy's Calendar
Access my calendar to schedule the following:
- Discovery Conversation
- Media related discussions
- Podcast & Speaking engagements
- Virtual Coffee Break
- Individual coaching sessions
TransClinique.Com - Dr Alexis Petra
Founded in 2020, Dr. Alexis Petra created TransClinique as a way to ensure that the trans and non-binary community had access to great healthcare and community despite geographical barriers. Alexis is board-certified in Emergency Medicine and licensed in more than 30 states. She is a member in good standing with WPATH. Dr. Petra has been personally and professionally involved in the transgender and non-binary community for over 20 years.