Parents of Transgender

Parents of Transgender

Become comfortable with a
significant change to your family.


Wendy Cole, Transition Mentor

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Find Acceptance without needing to understand!

This doesn’t go away and it’s definitely not a choice.

Life is change. We can’t avoid it, so learning to embrace change makes the journey so much easier and rewarding. You are a vibrational match to everything going on in your life. And this energy governs your thoughts and emotions to form your beliefs. You can’t live outside your beliefs, at least not easily!

So Your Child is Transgender!? – 4 Weeks

This program is for Parents, relatives, family members, and allies.  Throughout this program, the word “child” refers to the relationship, not age. The goal is help you get comfortable with this significant change in your family and provide guidance, understanding, peace of mind.

MODULE 1. Understanding Transgender – Week 1. As a person who lived for decades, in secret, born transgender, I will share aspects of my life, to help you gain new insights.


  • Gain a sense of your child’s view and strength it took to say how they feel
  • Gain more information about Transgender socially and medically
  • You’ll have someone to talk with who understands and has lived this
  • This doesn’t go away and it’s definitely not a choice


  • You’ll feel calm and open to new perspectives
  • The fears, anxieties, and doubts will be gone or greatly reduced
  • Be able to move forward with confidence

MODULE 2. If parents only knew what NOT to do – Weeks 2-3. My life is a classic example of what not to do with your child. We’ll go into the importance of your role and things you can do that will greatly help.


  • You’ll understand this is nothing you did or caused
  • What about your friends, neighbors, co-workers, etc. and what to say
  • Family transitions too – family dynamics and roles


  • Being flexible with changes in roles and family interactions
  • Gain the power of acceptance without needing to understand
  • Able to support and embrace your child

MODULE 3. Where you go from here – Weeks 3-4. This is where you begin to accept new possibilities in the family. Discussion centers on the person in transition. Your child is actually becoming who they’ve always been. They will blossom and continue to evolve. And as they do, the family will evolve too.


  • You’ll have a new supportive perspective and direction for your family
  • Better able to support your child in transition


  • Feel confident and comfortable, able to handle any situation
  • Expanded horizons open to new possibilities

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