Life Change

Life Change

Lose the self-doubt, anxiety and fear


Wendy Cole, Transition Mentor

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Learn Life Skills

to face current and future changes in your life confidently?

As a Transition Mentor, training clients to embrace change, I believe in the power of the human mind and its ability to connect with the energy of the universe. I practice mindfulness and the Law of Attraction (LOA). The energy you put out to the universe determines the results you will receive.

Life is change. We can’t avoid it, so learning to embrace it makes the journey so much easier and rewarding. According to LOA, you are a vibrational match to everything going on in your life. And this energy governs your thoughts and emotions to form your beliefs. You can’t live outside your beliefs, at least not easily!

Learning to successfully adapt to change, requires an inward focus, to mentally change how you view yourself.  I know I can help you.

What I help you achieve:

  • Identify where and how you’re stuck; you’ll uncover the WHY. You’ll, gain confidence and reduce anxiety and reactivity.
  • You’ll learn powerful tools to handle new and uncomfortable situations with ease. You’ll know exactly what techniques to employ.
  • You’ll break old habits and develop new supportive ones. Personal experience, facing change and learning to shift your beliefs and energy will help you both now and for the rest of your life.

Learning to face change head on, WITH THE RIGHT SKILLS, will change the rest of your life, for the better!

Single Session

Use as you need and wish. Intended for the person who is focused on getting help or guidance on an as needed basis. Provide any relevant information in advance for preparation, if you wish. Send relevant information to the email address in my contact information.

Use the button below to schedule a conversation in my calendar to see if we are a good fit to work together.

3 Session Package

Same as single session with a price break. You are the one who sets the topic and provides any relevant information in advance for preparation. Send any information to the email address in my contact information.

If having guidance resonates with you...
Schedule below so we can connect and talk about how I can help you...