Unstoppable Authentic You – Intense Transformational Work
To Begin living your best life – 16 Weeks
This is for someone who is Ready to do some serious work, dig deep inside themselves, learn and prepare for their new life.
We’ll cover the following topics…
Module 1. BECOME UNSTOPPABLE Weeks 1-16 – your thoughts, emotions, and perspectives – mindset. Transition is largely between your ears and affects everything you’ll be doing and learning. You’ll be working on this week’s 1-3 and with check-in’s in during the remaining 4–16-week sessions.
- You’ll have someone to talk with who understands you
- You’ll feel accepted
- You’ll learn to overcome fears, anxieties, and self-doubt
- You’ll gain an exciting vision for your future
- You’ll feel calm and excited for your future
- The fears, anxieties, and self-doubt will be gone or greatly reduced
- Be able to move forward with confidence
- What you learn in this module will support you for the rest of your life
Module 2. STEPS FORWARD – Weeks 2-4, with guidance you’ll create YOUR uniquely personal steps moving forward, you’ll still feel in control, and even if you have a difficult day, you can look and see progress. Make adjustments as you go forward.
- You’ll have a Roadmap or transition plan identifying steps to move you forward
- Thinking through your steps gives you a comprehensive list of what you need to do
- Make adjustments if you didn’t think of something
- You’ll track your progress and feel in control
- Easily make adjustments if you overlooked a step
- Build your confidence knowing what is ahead and what you’ve achieved.
Module 3. COMING OUT – Week 4-6. You will determine how to go about coming out, based on your circumstances. This is your Transition and no one else’s and you need to do it for you. You will create a plan, with my guidance and support, to navigate this critical part of your transition.
- Decide how to come out to people you know, to your family, friends, and work.
- Determine a strategy fitting your circumstances, possibly combining several approaches
- Guidance on dealing with the way other people react and process your new status.
- You will take control of your coming out and the conversation.
- You will confidently share your feelings and struggles.
- You will manage your fears and reactions as you begin to reveal to people.
- You will grow in confidence as a person in control of your life.
- As people sense your authenticity, both you and they will embrace your new identity.
Module 4. LEGAL IDENTITY – Week 6-7. You have not begun to change your name (legal identity) and gender. You now find yourself in public as your authentic gender and you have to show ID, use your credit card or driver’s license. What do you do when your legal identity doesn’t match who you are?
- You research your location requirements to change your legal identity.
- Determine if you need a lawyer to help with court and other legal aspects.
- Create a comprehensive list of all the items you will need to change.
- I will support you speaking with people you interact with to initiate changes.
- You will learn to handle scary situations confidently.
- I support you making this easier to do.
- I equip you to deal with those awkward situations.
Module 5. FEMINIZATIONS – Week 8-12. This is where we tackle your socialization throughout your life. Blending into everyday life in your authentic gender is your goal. Gender change is a total life change in all aspects of appearance, behavior, and life in all details. Topics covered are manners, walking, sitting, gestures, eye contact, and facial expressions, etc. We will begin deconstructing your socialization and build you back authentically. And this is where doing mindset work becomes critical to success.
- Achieve blending into everyday life activities comfortably.
- You will learn details of mannerisms and behaviors of the genders.
- You will learn techniques to master the details, making them your own.
- Your gender behaviors will become automatic, as you practice
- You’ll become self-aware and observant, learn to relax and enjoy being yourself.
- You will believe in yourself and feel confident.
- Achieve comfort and joy appearing publicly in your authentic gender.
- You will begin blending into everyday life.
Module 6. MEDICAL / HEALTH / EMOTIONAL – Weeks 12-14. What surgeries are typically involved and what is possible? What about hormones? Do I really need a therapist? Yes, you do. Therapy, electrolysis or laser hair removal, surgeries and voice therapy are all important to your successful blending into society.
- Understand the medical aspects of transition and the waitlist timelines.
- Decide when and what doctors you wish to contact.
- Therapist to provide letter(s) for hormones and any surgeons.
- Psychiatrist – you will need a letter for gender confirmation surgery (GCS).
- Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) – Endocrinologist or knowledgeable doctor.
- Successfully build your professional medical, and therapeutic support team.
- Build your confidence as you move forward.
- Learn questions to ask when selecting medical professionals and service providers.
- Support and wisdom from someone who has already gone through it all.
Module 7. WRAPUP – Weeks 15-16. This is for summarizing progress, covering anything needing additional guidance. Answer any remaining questions.
So, if you’re ready to begin preparing mentally, emotionally, as well as physically for transition? Then you owe it to yourself to get the help needed to experience the Joy of living authentically. Schedule Consultation with Wendy to discuss the Programs and see if we’re a fit to work together.
- 16 weeks with 14 coaching 60-minute sessions and 2 integration weeks all coaching on Zoom.
- Within working hours, I am also available via email for quick questions (10 minutes or less) that can’t wait for our next session.
- Private Facebook group for Clients Only.
- Signed Coaching Agreement will be required.